Sunday, April 23, 2006

April 11th, 2006 - 5 weeks old!

If this is what life is going to be like, I think I'll like it! :)

April 10th, 2006

Mom & I both tired.

April 4th, 2006 - 4 weeks old!

Overgroot Oma (great grandma), check it out, my shirt is almost too small for me now!

4 weeks old, are you serious!?

April 2nd, 2006

Dad loves giving me crazy hair dues after my baths.

March 31st, 2006

Ready for another bath.

March 30th, 2006

Loving the sunshine! :)

In the spotlight.

March 29th, 2006

Hanging out with Aunt Jeanette.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

March 29th, 2006

Visit from the Sevenhuysen family.

March 28th, 2006 - 3 weeks old!

My left eye is hard to open all the way sometimes. Or maybe Evan is practicing his winks, because who will be able to resist this cute face?!

Three weeks old! Can you believe it?!

Evan trying to sit on his own.

He is quite the determined little man.

Wonder who he got that from?..

March 27th, 2006

Life is good!!

March 26th, 2006

Real good!!

March 25th, 2006

I think Mom is feeding me some good stuff!

Dad, enough with the close-ups!

If you want me to be able to see you clearly sometime soon that is.

March 21st, 2006 - 2 weeks old!

Mhmm.. I think I like this water stuff,
though I still prefer the amniotic fluid!
Do you think I might be getting curls?

Check out the hair due!

At 2 weeks; maybe this world isn't so bad!?

March 20th, 2006

Nap time with Dad.

March 19th, 2006

Nap time with mom.

March 16th, 2006

Meet my new friend (potential future girlfriend) Sophie Gelinas! Isn't she gorgeous.

March 15th, 2006

Yep I am still cute!

March 14th, 2006 -1 week old!

I have been in this world a week, and I am not quite sure if I like it!

I am still enjoying that finger.

Who needs a plastic soother?!

March 13th, 2006

Soaking up the rays for the first time.

Evan prefers the human soother.

Three generations!

Yes Evan this is Grandpa Penner.

Mhmm.. do you think I look like my mom?

I look so little in this car seat,

are you sure this is safe?