Saturday, May 27, 2006
May 13th, 2006
Yep, I have discovered my thumb (or should I say fist also), but boy is it hard to get that thumb to my mouth! It's a lot harder than it looks!
I don't just suck my thumb, I have to be holding my hair with my other hand. It's quite soothing, you should try it sometime!
Mamma en ik.
Big kiss from Mom. I get lots of those!
Friday, May 26, 2006
May 2nd, 2006 - 8 weeks old!
Thanks Aunt Katherina and Uncle Darren for letting me use this toy, I think I am gonna like rollercoasters just like my Mom and Dad.
"Uncle" Ben, "Aunt" Melissa, and another possible future wife.. if it's a girl that is.
Yep, I am starting to dig these baths now.
And this is the other thing that I am really starting to enjoy. Thanks Soph for letting me borrow it!
This is where I hang out while Mom is taking a shower. Aren't those circles interesting on the shower curtain!
Monday, May 15, 2006
April 27th, 2006
I am starting to not look so small in this car seat!
Ooh.. my head is sooo heavy. It's really unrealistic to expect me to lift this huge thing! Who's idea was it to put me on my stomach anyways. Somebody help me!
When I get excited or see something I like, my eyes open up wide and I lift my eyebrows.
This is my biggest smile that Mom and Dad have been able to catch on camera yet!