Tuesday, December 26, 2006

December 25th, 2006

Merry Christmas Everyone!

December 23rd, 2006 Christmas at the Penners!

The Penner Christmas family gathering was definately full of excitement. With 15 adults and 8 grandchildren there are never any boring moments!

Here am I hanging out with my uncle George who was down from Manitoba!
Auntie Judi and cousin Travis
Opening up my first Christmas present
Cousin Joel and Olivia
Cousin Rachel
My cousin Andrew and Olivia again

I'm pooped after a long day with all the Penner's. Wow there are a lot of them! :)

December 19th, 2006

Piggy-back-ride on Mom

December 18th, 2006

Ezra hanging out at our house.

Whoa.. it has been a while since I sat in this thing.. I suppose I should give this back to the little guy

Friday, December 22, 2006

December 16th, 2006

Mom and Dad taught me how to throw a ball, little they knew this would be the start of me throwing anything and everything that came to my little hands!! Hahaha..

I'm so fast it's hard to catch me in action!

December 12th, 2006

I got on the first step all by myself without Mom seeing how I did it! You can call me sneaky!

December 11th, 2006

Yep, I can feed myself now
Check out my first tooth everyone, well it just came through on the 7th
When I started feeding myself bread I started this head twisting thing

When I am not sitting in my high chair I like to walk around it,..
suck on the chair

and play peek-a-boo

December 9th, 2006

So this is the kind of stuff my Dad makes when he is at work all day! Pretty nice eh!
All these pictures is Kelly & Lorna Lockington's stuff.

Hanging out in the drawer of the Lockington's amazing new house

Saturday, December 16, 2006

December 8th, 2006

Proud Daddy Ben of his brand spankin new baby Ezra, my initial buddy.

And this is the winter wonderland that we woke up to on Friday morning. The news said some areas got 60 cm's of snow!!

I've discovered how to open and close doors.. great fun!!
And now that I can get around myself I love getting into these square plastic things! :) (ps: our trim is not pink, the light is reflecting the red off the walls in a funny way!)

Friday, December 15, 2006

December 7th- 9 months!

Wow what a day full of firsts! Today my new buddy, Ezra Benjamin Lockington, was born. So now we are the E.B's on Cedar Street. We are exactly 9 months apart. On the way to the hospital to visit Ezra and his parents we drove through my first big snow storm. And my Mom discovered my first tooth!
While I am playing inside, a snow storm is happening outside!
Now, how do I get down there?..
I'm going to jump off this!

This is our laneway, and as you can see it is really coming down quickly!

Friday, December 08, 2006

December 6th, 2006

Happy Birthday Oma!!

Whoa, I wasn't ready for that one!
Here I was doing a photo shoot while Aunt Jeanette was wafting air into my face, how do you like it?

Whow, this birthday card is bigger than me!

December 5th, 2006

What do you mean you wouldn't find this comfortable? Try it, it's wonder..zz..full..zzz