Thursday, August 28, 2008

August 3rd, 2008

Evening at Port Burwel Beach because they had Victoria Day fireworks there.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

July 27th, 2008

We spent a day at the zoo with our friends Luke and Rachael and their kids Sophia and Clara.
Here are some of the many animals we got to see and the things we got to do. Evan LOVED it!

This kangaroo had a hilarious pose!

Siberean Tigers

Here is clara.. isn't she a cutie.

Below: Evan and Sophie had a blast just running around.

Below: the Gelinas family.. Clara is hiding underneath in the double stroller.

Clara is such a cute thumbsucker just like her sister.


July 26th, 2008

Papa's new project. Aleah LOVES Evan's tricycle.

Friday, August 15, 2008

July 23rd, 2008

Rude awakening. Can't a girl have some down time!?

July 19th, 2008

This was our second weekend in a row camping. Evan had lots of fun with all the other kids as you can see on the pictures below where he is sitting on Zephaniah's lap. Left to right: Silas, Zephaniah, Evan and Shelby.

July 17th, 2008

This if how we've been getting around town this summer.

July 15th, 2008

Do you think this cup is big enough?.. this was the only straw cup we had and she figured out how to drink out of a straw before the sippy cup. She was too stubborn to let me help her tip the sippy cup so that she could get a drink out of it. I know I know she takes after me. :)