Friday, September 07, 2007

August 26th, 2007

A kiss for Aleah...

And one for the doggie.

Riding on Oma's lawnmower with Pappa.



Blogger ZONE F DG TEAM said...

I came across your blog quite by mistake. Raised in Aylmer, and having a love for photography, it was great to see the vast similiarities. Keep up the great work!!!

Residing in St, Thomas...visit my blog at


10:33 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:52 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So it just happens to be that I have the fricken cutest niece and nephew in the world and a wonderful talented photographer/brother in-law to boot! Love you guys and miss you. Thanks for keeping the blog updated! I really love checking up on Evan & Aleah to see how they have grown even though it's kind of sad in the same sense. Do you talk about Aunt Jeanette alot? lol. I hope so!!!!
♥ lil sis

12:54 am


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